Tag Archives: humor

What I found while packing

We’re all moved in now, and Grandma is slowly starting to settle in (I’ll do a full update in a separate post), but I wanted to share some of the things that I found while packing up the old place.  It’s quite interesting what you find while packing the belongings of a 101-year-old.

This is my Second Grade report card.  Deidre Warr was my teacher.  She went on to become one of my Mother's closest friends and she and her family are family to Grandma and I.  I'm not sure why Grandma had this or where/when she got it.  But I found it with a bunch of important family papers.

This is my Second Grade report card. Deidre Warr was my teacher. She went on to become one of my Mother’s closest friends and she and her family are family to Grandma and I. I’m not sure why Grandma had this or where/when she got it. But I found it with a bunch of important family papers.

This fluttered out from in-between something.  It speaks for itself.

This fluttered out from in-between something. It speaks for itself.

This flashlight pretty much sums up why I'm taking care of Grandma.  I found this tucked into a drawer.  Clearly the message resonated with her.  I'm doing my best to see she gets her wish.

This flashlight pretty much sums up why I’m taking care of Grandma. I found this tucked into a drawer. Clearly the message resonated with her. I’m doing my best to see she gets her wish.

Some of you may recall the post about Grandma cutting up Grandpa's prayerbook.  I found this tucked amongst some important papers.  She hung onto it...I guess she didn't want to get rid of it after all!

Some of you may recall the post about Grandma cutting up Grandpa’s prayerbook. I found this tucked amongst some important papers. She hung onto it…I guess she didn’t want to get rid of it after all!


Here they are! Grandma’s fabled teeth. I haven’t seen these since my high school graduation. My brother found them when we moved her to Seattle from Idaho, but I haven’t seen them since 1987. I’m not sure why there are three…she had uppers and lowers…why two lowers? I don’t think I’ll ever know.